Handbags! From small clutches and cross-body bags to oversized tote bags, you can never have too many handbags! Most likely you have a closet full of handbags that are either worn out or have broken parts, such as zippers, locks or handles. Luckily MISTER MINIT can help prevent you throwing away your precious bags. Read on to know more about our handbag repair service.
1. Broken Handbag Zipper
While most zippers are highly durable, they can sometimes break or get jammed. A broken or stuck zipper can not only damage the appearance of your handbag, its content can now not be protected against theft. However, it doesn’t mean that your handbag is no longer usable and that you must throw the whole handbag away. MISTER MINIT can make your handbag feel like new again by replacing your broken zipper or zipper slider with a nylon one.